And over all these virtues, put on love, which binds them all together in PERFECT UNITY. . .
-Colossians 3:14
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Summer retreat '08
The retreat was pretty much awesome. Man, did I learn so much more about God and how important it is to live this life for Him. We had some good times, battle wounds, sunburns, a lot of laughter, and a LOT of eating(: The best part was probably when my lip swelled, I wish I took a pic with my digital. sorry. :( The view was gorgeous, I loved waking up to the sound of the ocean every morning. God's creation is amazing isn't it? =] But yeah it was a good time! I love being with my friends.
Great pix Em...I am so excited that I got to go and hang with you girls some of the time...I can't wait to really dig deeper with all of you and really dive into the Word and grow!!!
As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after Thee. You alone are my hearts desire and I long to worship You. You alone are my strength my shield, to You alone may my spirit yield.
Jesus Christ is forever Lord of my life. He is continuing to put me in amazement. And HIM alone is what I need:] On the other hand. . .
Buy me ice cream, and I'll love you forever. Chickflicks are amazing, along with scary movies(: I love taking surprise pictures, (sorry Austen) Volleyball is my thing:] Goldfish are the best things created. If you ask me to make you cookies, I probably will:] I love all of my friends, you know who ya are;) Mrs. Pardue and Charlotte are my heroes, I love them so dearly(: I cannot WAIT to see what the Lord has planned for my friends(:
Great pix Em...I am so excited that I got to go and hang with you girls some of the time...I can't wait to really dig deeper with all of you and really dive into the Word and grow!!!
Yea the retreat was pretty awesome, maybe hs is better than ms.. hmm...?
awww you looked like you had a lot of fun! i miss you soo much!
♥ ya!
OMG! i officially hate pics of me now! i look so flipping GAY!!!!! plz in the future dont take pics of me cuz i just ruin them!
no way austie boy. you look so cute:) hehe.
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