Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mailage of the Cookie:]

YAY! Kelly and I decided it would be SUPER FUN to mail a cookie:] Yes that's right, mail, as in stamps and everything. We mailed it to her house from my house. I'm hoping it won't be melty and all crumbly, but we will see(: It was super fun. Probably the best thing we've done together, haha! I love you Kel:)


bailey_noel said...

OMG you guys are soooo funny!!!i love ya!

INZANE said...

wow emily u and kelly must be pretty... bored/insane lol jk ily =1

Kellay Nicole said...

dude . . . you KNOW we're funny. =]
and you love it. ;-]
soooo yeahh, excuse emily's POOR video skills. . . haha. anyway, that was ridiculously fun and i ate the cookie when it came to my house. WHOO HOO!!! =D hehe